

PST logo

Welcome to the good life we enjoy here at Palma Sola Trace.

If you are using a phone or tablet to visit, please click on the three horizontal bars at the top for the page choices. A wide variety of HOA documents can be found under the document tab. Please check the calendar for a running list of the many things taking place here at PST and feel to drive by our community. We are located on 75th Street West in Bradenton, just 1/2 mile north of Cortez Road. Close to shopping, dining, and a short distance to some of the most beautiful beaches ever.


Palma Sola Trace on Google Maps

PST - Google Maps
Google Maps satellite view of Palma Sola Trace

The image above is a satellite view of Palma Sola Trace.

Please click anywhere on the image to go directly to PST on Google Maps.

The image above has been rotated 90 degrees to better fit on the page.

Useful links for Palma Sola Trace residents:

CDD: www.palmasolatracecdd.org

Condo Association: pstcondos.com

Villa Association: www.palmasolatrace.org

Vanguard: vanguardmanagementgroup.com

Condo management company (C&S Community Management Services): cscmsi.com

Villa management company (C&S Community Management Services): cscmsi.com 

MyHOAst: pst-master.MyHOAst.com 

Welcome to Palma Sola Trace for New Residents

Click on the image below for the new resident’s welcome booklet. You can read the pages by clicking on the arrows in the bottom left corner below.
Welcome Package Website Version

To download the New Residents booklet as a PDF file, click here.